Graceful Glance with Whipin Wild Rags

It has been a hot minute since I have stopped to blog a little but be aware I have a bunch coming your way over the next few weeks! I could not be more excited to not only show of some amazing women and their businesses but also the upcoming 5th Annual Count Down to Vegas as well! We are definitely counting down to Vegas and I can not wait to see one of my favorite people Trisha Giles owner of Whipin Wild Rags. I had the pleasure of meeting her a couple years ago and we become instant friends as well as close sisters in Christ. I love that she is not scared to be who she is and also share not only her love for people but her love for Christ. So let’s get started and find out more about Trisha and how she started this amazing brand and business.

Hannah 68Photo By Denim and Velvet Marketing & Design

H: Who or What inspired you to start Whipin Wild Rags? 
T: It’s actually funny, the reason I started Whipin Wild Rags was that I needed a side hustle. You see I had a gritty little horse I was bringing long, the only problem was for a while we were hitting more barrels than we left standing so finishing him was getting really expensive. I was also supposed to be applying for grad school to become a Nurse Practitioner but, to be honest, I was dragging my feet because long days in the hospital didn’t really excite me. Actually, I dreaded it, I would wake up at 4 or 5 am to make sure I got my little bay firecracker rode before heading off to work in the morning and then would race home to make a Thursday night jackpot or haul him somewhere to make a run.

I got the idea to make wild rags when we were in Vegas for the 2016 NFR. That was the first year I remember hearing anything about Western Fashion Influencers and when western fashion was getting more extravagant. I had only seen wild rags that were worn for function before then and I was all about these new ways to wear them!

H: How did you get started?

T: When we left Vegas I was really into the wild rag trend but I hadn’t put much effort into turning it into a business when Casey decided I needed a Serger for my birthday. We talked about what if’s for a second and decided to jump in and try to make a few wild rags and see how things go. We headed off to JoAnn’s and got a few prints, some thread and signed up for a sewing lesson. I am not kidding, I had never sewed anything and had no clue how I was going to thread this machine with four separate threads. A few days later I got the basics down and made my first wild rag. Let me just say, thank you YouTube I couldn’t have done it without you.

(Trisha this is just so inspiring you are one determined woman! I love that you and with the support of your hubs just ran with it.)

H: How long have you had your business? 

T: Whipin Wild Rags was started Super Bowl Sunday 2017, I remember this because Casey was working and I was home working on my sewing skills when I decided that my product was finally good enough to sell so I spent my morning listening to podcasts on how to sell on Instagram and taking pictures with my phone. I’ve left all of these gems up if you want to see our humble beginnings take a look. But I am not kidding you I chose a picture, added a few hashtags and then started requesting friends. I followed everyone I thought would be interested and sent probably a hundred DM’s the first hour until I got temporarily suspended, but an hour or so later I got a DM back. Someone wanted one on my wild rags! I am not kidding I was so happy I was literally whooping it up having a dance party all by myself in our tiny apartment. I made the wild rag, packaged it up and headed to our friend’s house to watch the game, feeling like a boss and checking my phone every 15 seconds for likes and follows. Then BOOM I a got a second and a third-order that same day. When Casey showed up and I told him and we were pumped thinking this might actually be something. I signed up for every podcast on social media marketing and got to work. I was determined to quit my job and with a little luck and God’s grace was able to leave my position 3 months later and become the crazy wild rag lady full time. Those three months taught me all about sleepless nights and hard work, I would wake up at four and get a few done before work, work all day, take orders while staying active on social media and making awesome connections, then racing home to fill orders, riding when possible and taking pictures at night. On the weekends I would take wild rags to the jackpot and Jr. Rodeos. I was that crazy personal slinging scarves out of the back of trucks. At first, I was a little uncomfortable with it but I was crushing my goal and getting closer to quitting every day and that was really motivating and was what got my business off the ground.

H: What inspires you for your designs of wild rags/twillys? 

T: Style is so unique and therefore I listen. My goal is to make Whipin a brand that is all about our customers. I read every comment / review and ask tons of questions because I really want to design prints that excite our followers. Every few months I will post a this or that type series of questions on our Instagram stories to ask our fans what they want to see more of and oh boy do they show up and provide some great feedback. The questions usually last a day or so but the information is priceless. It keeps us really connected and focused on the customer.

H: How did you come up with your brand name?  
T: In true Trisha fashion the name is a product of my awkwardness. Casey walked in the door late one night and saw me surging at the speed of light, I am sure I looked like one of those crazy cat memes when he asked: “what are you doing?” And I blurted out I’m Whipin out Wild Rags and just like that the name was born.

(Haha oh my gosh I couldn’t love that anymore, in true Trisha fashion!)

H: What or who is your biggest inspiration? 
T: Be prepared for a total nerd overload.
I consume a ton of content, I cannot tell you the last time I listened to music on the radio, If it’s not an AudioBook it’s a podcast or blog and I am so thankful for the content these leaders share with the world daily, it’s what keeps me motivated to achieve and grow in my personal life and business: Gary Vaynerchuk  / Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, Rachel Hollis, Brendon Burchard, Ashley Alderson, Warren Buffet, Kim Chan, Chet Holmes, Brene Brown, Annie Downs, Jen Sincero, Daniel Lapin, Terri Savelle Foy, and Lisa TerKeurst 
My audible Library is one of my prized possessions. There is something about surrounding yourself with the words of encouragement and motivation but also some real-life get up and do it no-nonsense truth that keeps me going even when it’s Saturday afternoon and I want to go roping but I have work to do, there is no replacement for hard work and dedication.
H: What is your favorite scripture? 
 T: Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

This scripture was encouraging for me in leaving a stable career for the unknown, a move that most people including myself thought was crazy. It has been a season that has challenged me to grow as a Christian and be the biggest blessing I could have asked for.

(That too is one of my favorites as well! )

H: What is a funny experience or story you have about owning your own business?  
T: Oh my goodness, I’ve failed my way though most everything in this business and each day has its own challenges yet there is one image that is burned into my mind when I think of funny. 
As soon as I started Whipin I knew I really wanted to make my own designs. I knew it was going to be expensive so I did a ton of research on what color, patterns, sizes, and fabrics sold best. No surprise leopard, serape and roses print were likely to all be best sellers. Eager to begin I started my hunt for a graphic designer and manufacturer. Thankfully I got a great tip and I found a manufacturer quickly. Unfortunately, I didn’t take the advice I should have when it was time to hire a graphic designer and I fell for the trap and hired the lowest bidder from overseas. News flash, people lie online… shocking I know. I was just captivated by the work this person had shown me and I thought it would be awesome to work with him on a wild rag. I also didn’t have very much to invest in this project so I thought that it would be a great idea to make one wild rag with leopard and serape, maybe a few roses and it would be an instant bestseller and we would be able to create tons of new designs within weeks. Well, after two months this is what I got back!

Whipin Wild Rag


Your welcome, it’s pretty funny now but I was super stressed and overwhelmed when it happened I ugly cried for 5 minutes and felt like an idiot for wasting so much time but sister I learned how to use photoshop that day because that project was out of time and money. There is a saying do what you do best and hire the rest, which is great if you can afford to hire the best as well. I did not and now it’s pretty funny but at the time it was pretty devastating because I was planning on using that design for NFR last year and it clearly was a fail and didn’t happen. So this year will be my first year with my own original designs.

H: What is some advice you could give aspiring makers, influencers or new business owners?  
T: Comparison is the stealer of all joy, the only person you need to be better than is who you were yesterday. Do what moves you, I have recently taken up blogging on Whipin to bring awareness about issues we are facing as a community. The reasons I am telling you this is because you will get burned out and you will want to give up, sometimes you will need to adjust your vision and that’s ok, do whatever it takes but do not quit. You can make a difference if you’re willing to do something different.
H: Is there something you would like to share with the readers, it can be anything on your heart. 
T: As I am writing this one of my favorite songs came to mind and it’s a song that really spoke to my heart this season especially in times of fear and uncertainty and I feel like someone need to hear it today.

Sidewalk Prophets

“The Words I Would Say”
“Be strong in the Lord and
never give up hope.
You’re gonna do great things
I already know
God’s got his hand on you so
don’t live life in fear
forgive and forget
but don’t forget why you’re here
Take your time and pray
Thank God for each day
His love will find a way
These are the words I would say.”

Gosh Trisha thank you so much for taking time out of your very busy days to sit down and share not only your heart but you life and business with us. You are truly inspiring I know not only to me but to so many. One of my favorite things about you besides your giant heart is that you never quit. You have so much grit and grace and that truly is so very inspiring. Thank you so much for being apart of today’s blog. We all love you!

Readers I hope this blog inspires you as much as it inspires me and also gives you a chance to get to know a little more about the face behind the brand. I truly believe when you here an owner’s why and how it helps you connect with them more personally and fall in love all over again with the brand.

If you are headed to Vegas this year and the NFR be sure to stop by and tell Trisha hi! I know I will be and might even spend a little time there! So stop by and Trisha and I would love to help you style that new Whipin Wild Rag!

As always remember to live in His Grace and Rock your Style!

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